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Implementing Iterator Design Pattern in Scala

The other day I came across a puzzle that involved implementing a spreadsheet class. Like a regular spreadsheet the cells were referenced as A1, A2 etc .. I wanted to iterate the cells in the spreadsheet. My first stab at the implementation looked as follows

Spreadsheet iteration v1

import scala.collection.mutable

object IteratorTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val height = 4
    val width = 4
    val ss = new SpreadsheetV1(width, height)
    for (i <- 0 until height) {
      for (j <- 0 until width) {
        val id = Spreadsheet.getIdFromRowAndCol(i, j)
        println("id = " + id)

class SpreadsheetV1(width: Int, height: Int) {
  val data = Array.ofDim[String](height, width)
  def get(i:Int, j:Int) = data(i)(j)
  def set(i:Int, j:Int, value: String) { data(i)(j) = value }

object Spreadsheet {
  val Coordinates = """([A-Z])(\d+)""".r
  val asciiValueForA = 'A'.toInt

   * Given a cell id retuns the row and col as tuple
   * eg. A2 -> (0, 1)
  def getRowAndColFromId(id: String): (Int, Int) = {
    val Coordinates(row: String, col: String) = id // apply the regex to extract row & col

    // Now convert these to actual Int indexes in our 2d array
    val realRow = row.toCharArray()(0).toInt - asciiValueForA
    val realCol = col.toInt -1
    (realRow, realCol)

   * Given row and col returns id
   * eg (0,0) => A1, (0,1) => A2 etc
  def getIdFromRowAndCol(row: Int, col: Int): String = {
    (asciiValueForA + row).toChar + (col + 1).toString

But its possible to have a nicer interface to iterate over the cells by implementing Iterator trait. It also results in better encapsulation of the internal structure of the Spreadsheet class. Following is an implementation of Spreadsheet class with Iterator trait.

Spreadsheet iteration v2

import scala.collection.mutable

object IteratorTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val height = 4
    val width = 4
    val ss = new SpreadsheetV2(width, height)
    for (id <- ss)

class SpreadsheetV2(width: Int, height: Int) extends Iterator[String] {
  import Spreadsheet._

  val data = Array.ofDim[String](height, width)

  def get(id: String): String = {
    val (row, col) = getRowAndColFromId(id)

  def set(id: String, value: String) {
    val (row, col) = getRowAndColFromId(id)
    data(row)(col)  = value

  // Iterator Implementation
  protected var _nextRow: Int = 0
  protected var _nextCol: Int = 0
  protected var _next: String = null

  def hasNext = {
    if (_next != null)

  def next = {
    if (hasNext) {
      val result = _next
      _next = null
    } else {
      throw new NoSuchElementException

  protected def computeNext: Boolean = {
    if (_nextRow < height && _nextCol < width) {
      _next = getIdFromRowAndCol(_nextRow, _nextCol)

      if (_nextCol == (width -1)) {
        _nextCol = 0
        _nextRow += 1
      } else {
        _nextCol += 1

    } else {

The iterator code is not a core part of the Spreadsheet’s logic so there is no need for the Spreadsheet class to directly implement Iterator. The iterator implementation can be moved out into a separate class and the Spreadsheet class’s implementation can be kept simple.

Spreadsheet iteration v3

import scala.collection.mutable

object IteratorTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val height = 4
    val width = 4
    val ss = new SpreadsheetV3(width, height)
    for (id <- ss.getIterator)

class SpreadsheetV3(width: Int, height: Int) {
  import Spreadsheet._

  val data = Array.ofDim[String](height, width)

  def get(id: String): String = {
    val (row, col) = getRowAndColFromId(id)

  def set(id: String, value: String) {
    val (row, col) = getRowAndColFromId(id)
    data(row)(col)  = value

  def getIterator(): Iterator[String] = {
    new SpreadsheetIterator(width, height)

class SpreadsheetIterator(width: Int, height: Int) extends Iterator [String] {
  import Spreadsheet._

  // Iterator Implementation
  protected var _nextRow: Int = 0
  protected var _nextCol: Int = 0
  protected var _next: String = null

  def hasNext = {
    if (_next != null)

  def next = {
    if (hasNext) {
      val result = _next
      _next = null
    } else {
      throw new NoSuchElementException

  protected def computeNext: Boolean = {
    if (_nextRow < height && _nextCol < width) {
      _next = getIdFromRowAndCol(_nextRow, _nextCol)

      if (_nextCol == (width -1)) {
        _nextCol = 0
        _nextRow += 1
      } else {
        _nextCol += 1

    } else {

Custom functions in HBase shell

As many of you might know that the HBase shell is a jruby repl. So you can write ruby code in the shell. You can also save your custom ruby functions in ~/.irbrc and the next time you start the hbase shell those functions will be available to you. At work I often need to truncate a bunch of HBase tables before I can begin my testing. I wanted to automate this. So I wrote the following custom function to truncate a list of tables and added it to my ~/.irbrc

def truncate_tables()
  tables = [

  tables.each {|x| truncate x}

You have to restart your HBase shell for this function to be available in the shell. Now this custom function can be invoked from the shell as follows

ruby-1.9.2-p136 :001 > truncate_tables

For more information refer to the following links:

HBase Wiki

Stack Overflow Question