Periodically sending JVM stats to StatsD in Scala
01 Jan 2014I have written a small library in Scala to allow periodic sending of JVM stats to StatsD server. One can include it in server written in Scala so that its JVM stats can be monitored over time. I am using the following Scala class to send the stats to StatsD. Also the technique to extract JVM stats is borrowed from twitter’s excellent Ostrich library
Following is the class that schedules sending of the stats periodically
package com.parthpatil.jvmstatsd
import scala.collection.mutable
import java.util.concurrent.{TimeUnit, Executors}
class StatsSender(statsd: StatsD, numSchedulerThreads: Int = 2) {
// Tasks that need to be scheduled to send stats to statsd
private val tasks = mutable.ArrayBuffer[(StatsTask, Int)]()
val fScheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(numSchedulerThreads)
def addTask(task: StatsTask, secs: Int) {
tasks += ((task, secs))
fScheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(task, 0, secs, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
def getTasks(): Seq[(StatsTask, Int)] = {
Following is the interface base class for a stats task that publishes stats to StatsD using the StatsD class
package com.parthpatil.jvmstatsd
import java.text.DecimalFormat
class StatsTask() extends Runnable {
protected var statsd: StatsD = null
// formatter to remove scientific notation from doubles
val formatter = new DecimalFormat("#")
override def run() { }
def setStatsD(sd: StatsD) { statsd = sd }
Following is a sample implementation of the StatsTask that publishes JVM stats. You can write your won periodic stats publisher by extending StatsTask and adding it to StatsSender via addTask() method.
package com.parthpatil.jvmstatsd
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import com.twitter.conversions.string._
class JvmStatsTask extends StatsTask {
override def run() {
getJvmGauges() foreach { case (k, v) => statsd.gauge(k, formatter.format(v)) }
getJvmCounters() foreach { case (k,v) => statsd.increment(k, v) }
def getJvmGauges(): Map[String, Long] = {
val out = mutable.Map[String, Long]()
val mem = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean()
val heap = mem.getHeapMemoryUsage()
out += ("jvm.heap.committed" -> heap.getCommitted())
out += ("jvm.heap.max" -> heap.getMax())
out += ("jvm.heap.used" -> heap.getUsed())
val nonheap = mem.getNonHeapMemoryUsage()
out += ("jvm.nonheap.committed" -> nonheap.getCommitted())
out += ("jvm.nonheap.max" -> nonheap.getMax())
out += ("jvm.nonheap.used" -> nonheap.getUsed())
val threads = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean()
out += ("jvm.thread.daemon_count" -> threads.getDaemonThreadCount().toLong)
out += ("jvm.thread.count" -> threads.getThreadCount().toLong)
out += ("jvm.thread.peak_count" -> threads.getPeakThreadCount().toLong)
val runtime = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean()
out += ("jvm.start_time" -> runtime.getStartTime())
out += ("jvm.uptime" -> runtime.getUptime())
val os = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean()
out += ("jvm.num_cpus" -> os.getAvailableProcessors().toLong)
os match {
case unix: =>
out += ("jvm.fd.count" -> unix.getOpenFileDescriptorCount)
out += ("jvm.fd.limit" -> unix.getMaxFileDescriptorCount)
case _ => // ew, Windows... or something
var postGCTotalUsage = 0L
var currentTotalUsage = 0L
ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().asScala.foreach { pool =>
val name = pool.getName.regexSub("""[^\w]""".r) { m => "." }
Option(pool.getCollectionUsage).foreach { usage =>
out += ("jvm.post_gc." + name + ".used" -> usage.getUsed)
postGCTotalUsage += usage.getUsed
out += ("jvm.post_gc." + name + ".max" -> usage.getMax)
Option(pool.getUsage) foreach { usage =>
out += ("jvm.current_mem." + name + ".used" -> usage.getUsed)
currentTotalUsage += usage.getUsed
out += ("jvm.current_mem." + name + ".max" -> usage.getMax)
out += ("jvm.post_gc.used" -> postGCTotalUsage)
out += ("jvm.current_mem.used" -> currentTotalUsage)
def getJvmCounters(): Map[String, Long] = {
val out = mutable.Map[String, Long]()
var totalCycles = 0L
var totalTime = 0L
ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans().asScala.foreach { gc =>
val name = gc.getName.regexSub("""[^\w]""".r) { m => "." }
val collectionCount = gc.getCollectionCount
out += ("jvm.gc." + name + ".cycles" -> collectionCount)
val collectionTime = gc.getCollectionTime
out += ("jvm.gc." + name + ".msec" -> collectionTime)
// note, these could be -1 if the collector doesn't have support for it.
if (collectionCount > 0)
totalCycles += collectionCount
if (collectionTime > 0)
totalTime += gc.getCollectionTime
out += ("jvm.gc.cycles" -> totalCycles)
out += ("jvm.gc.msec" -> totalTime)
Sample Usage
package com.parthpatil.jvmstatsd
class SampleUsage {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val actorSystem = ActorSystem("statsd-actor-system")
val statsD = new StatsD(
context = actorSystem,
host = "localhost",
port = 8192)
val statsSender = new StatsSender(statsD)
// Create the JvmStatsTask that publishes stats every 10 secs
statsSender.addTask(task = new JvmStatsTask, secs = 10)
You can find the full source in this repo